Find answers to your questions about Bridges Center for Grieving
Bridges is a family-oriented grief support center. We help children and their families learn to cope with the illness and death of someone close to them through peer support groups. We do not provide individual or family counseling.
Explore the frequently asked questions below to learn more about our support groups and how you can join.
Who can come to Bridges support groups?
Families with children between the ages of 4 and 18 who have experienced the death or serious illness of a relative or friend are welcome to attend.
Our support groups are free of charge and available to all, regardless of economic status, religion or geographic area. Language interpreters (including interpreters for sign language) are available to help families participate.
How much does it cost to attend?
There is no cost for attending our support groups. We do welcome donations.
What happens in a typical support group meeting?
First, staff welcome families as they arrive. Then the Bridges coordinator disperses the children, teens and adults to their respective groups. These groups are led by trained facilitators.
During the group meetings, participants may share memories, express feelings and connect with others who share their grief experiences. Groups follow a curriculum of grief topics that incorporate a number of activities including creative projects, games, memory reflections and play with puppets, all while encouraging members to make connections and understand they are not alone.
Do you talk about religion?
We respect all faiths. Our support groups do not have a religious orientation. We encourage families to talk together about issues of faith outside our sessions.
What are the qualifications of those in charge?
Our staff members are master’s level practitioners trained to help those experiencing grief. A Bridges staff member is always present to oversee the support group meetings.
What training do the group facilitators have?
Some of our facilitators are professionals from the human services field. Others are concerned members of the community who want to help children and their parents.
All facilitators have completed 30 hours of training which includes info regarding education on grief support, developmental considerations, family systems, training on Bridges grief support model, fostering listening and self awareness skills. Our facilitators also participate in continuing education.
Are visitors or prospective families allowed to sit in on groups to observe the process?
To respect the privacy of our participants, visitors cannot attend support group meetings. Prospective families learn about our services through literature, meetings with the staff and a tour of the facility.
How can I learn more or join a support group?
Call 253-403-1966 to set up an intake. Bridges and Discoveries groups are held at the Mary Bridge Children’s Health Center, 311 S. L St., Tacoma WA 98415.
How do I make a referral?
Call our office at 253-403-1966 to obtain brochures or other materials. We like to talk directly with those who’d like to participate. When a family calls to request services, we set up an intake and ask all family members to attend. Children will complete some get to know you activities while the adult completes other necessary paperwork.
Contact us
For more information about Bridges Center for Grieving Children, please complete our contact form to have a team member reach out to you.